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Seismic Processing


Advanced Data Solutions

ONYX is an interactive seismic data processing environment that haspowerful dimensions in processing and development.ONYX consists of six building blocks. The Context Sensitive Editorassists the seismic analyst is setting up parameters for batch jobs.Processes are displayed for the analyst's review and selection. TheProject Manager maintains a project history and access to the informationstored in the Relational Database. Through the Relational Database, allfiles are accessed and communication is established between modules. TheProcess Manager is the user's interface for various applications, tracksthe available processes, and acts as the Relational Database interface.The Seismic Data Widget is an interface between the analyst and theapplications. The User Interface Generator has the tools to easily designand code new applications.

Language: C
Source Avail: No
Product Special Handling: None.
Operating Systems: Solaris Sparc 1.0

Advanced Data Solutions
3050 Post Oak Blvd Suite 1300
Houston, TX 77056
Phone: (713) 877-1388
Fax: (713) 877-1399